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Supporting Adults

Life can be hard. But talking about it doesn't have to be. At The Empathy Project, we work with many adults who are struggling with all kinds of issues in life.


These range from family conflict and work stress, to working through past trauma or current anxiety. No subject is ever "too much" for us.

Speaking to a therapist can help. We provide time and space for you to talk in confidence with someone who isn't connected to your life, who doesn't know you, judge you or tell you what to do. We seek to empower you to make the best decisions for you.

Psychologist's Office

Our Approach

We offer 50 minute sessions for individual adults, and we can work with you in-person at our Southampton therapy room, over the telephone, or over video call. Some of our therapists also offer sessions over text message, WhatsApp or email. Whatever suits you and your schedule best, we want you to feel comfortable and that your therapy is accessible.

Sessions with us are open-ended. That means you can have as many sessions as you like, flexible to suit you. Most clients see us once per week, but we can do twice a week or twice per month, or simply book sessions when you feel like it. We want to put you, as our client, in control. We believe that ultimately you're the best person to judge what is best for you, and you decide when you want your sessions to end. Many of our clients also take breaks and come back to us months or even years later. We're not going anywhere and we're here to support you, on your terms.

We don't have a waiting list and you don't need a referral from a GP or other service.  You can contact us whenever you're ready and you can choose a therapist you feel comfortable working with. All of our counsellors offer a 20 minute free consultation, so you have a chance to meet us before you begin working with us. We want to make sure we're the right person for you.

Therapy Season

Confidentiality & Safeguarding

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